Indian Institute of Technology Indore

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Highlights


Digital Humanities and Publishing Studies Research Group Achievements

Vandana Govindani received the 'Central Sahitya Akademi Travel Grant' for 2023-24, she visited various Sindhi writers and scholars across the state of Gujarat. Read More

Digital Humanities and Publishing Studies Research Group Achievements

Preetha Mukherjee Presented the paper on "Migration, Ghosh and Climatic Derangement,” at the International Conference at IIT Patna on February 24, 2024

Digital Humanities and Publishing Studies Research Group Achievements

Jyothi J. won the IIT Indore Best Research Paper Award in SHSS 2024 for “Digital Cartography and Feminist Geocriticism: A Case Study of Marichjhapi Massacre”.Cartographica: University of Toronto Press, (UTP), Vol. 58 Issue 3, pp. 95-115, September 2023. DOI:

Digital Humanities and Publishing Studies Research Group Achievements

Kaviarasu P. won the best paper title for his presentation on "A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends on Translation Studies in India" at the SHSS Research Symposium 2024. Read More

Digital Humanities and Publishing Studies Research Group Achievements

K., Kavitha and Nirmala Menon. “Transwomen in Tamil Cinema: Representation and Identity ”. Women’s Link Journal, Jan 2022. pg: 68-75, Vol. 29, No. 1

Digital Humanities and Publishing Studies Research Group Achievements

Sonal Pandey attended the Comics Conclave 2.0 on March 16-17, 2024, hosted by Art@ Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhi Nagar and the Curiosity Lab of IIT Gandhinagar.

Digital Humanities and Publishing Studies Research Group Achievements

Bala, Apsara, Jyothi Justin, and Nirmala Menon. "Towards Acknowledgement and Accreditation of Digital Labour in Digital Humanities - A Case Study from Emerging Indian Digital Humanities Projects". Digital Studies/Le champ numérique 14(1): 1–34. Published: 15/05/2024. Published.

Digital Humanities and Publishing Studies Research Group Achievements

Preetha Mukherjee presented the paper titled "Decolonizing the narrative of Minor Literature" at SHSS Research Symposium 2024 at IIT Indore on 30/05/2024

“Sindhi literature in post-partition India: marginalization, challenges, and digital interventions”

Govindani, V., & Menon, N. (2024). “Sindhi literature in post-partition India: marginalization, challenges, and digital interventions.” Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 1–17. Details

Decolonising Ngannelong: A Geocritical Approach to Joan Lindsay’s Picnic at Hanging Rock and Its Visual Adaptations

Justin, J., & Menon, N. (2023). Decolonising Ngannelong: A Geocritical Approach to Joan Lindsay’s Picnic at Hanging Rock and Its Visual Adaptations. Journal of Language, Literature and Culture, 70(1), 11–24. Details

Digital Cartography and Feminist Geocriticism: A Case Study of the Marichjhapi Massacre

Justin, J., & Menon, N. (2023). Digital cartography and feminist geocriticism: A case study of the Marichjhapi Massacre. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 58(3), 95-115. Details

Exploring Digital Humanities in India Pedagogies Practices and Institutional Possibilities. Maya Dodd and Nidhi Kalra (eds)

Apsara Bala, Nirmala Menon, Exploring Digital Humanities in India Pedagogies Practices and Institutional Possibilities. Maya Dodd and Nidhi Kalra (eds), Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Volume 39, Issue 1, April 2024, Pages 446–447, Details

Towards a Theoretical and Legal Framework for Dalit Massacre

Justin, J., & Menon, N. (2023). Towards a Theoretical and Legal Framework for Dalit Massacre. Contemporary Voice of Dalit, 0(0). Details

Reproducibility of Indian DH Projects: A case study

Justin, J., Menon, N. Reproducibility of Indian DH Projects: A case study. Int J Digit Humanities 5, 333–351 (2023). Details

Spatial Hypertexts or Hypermaps: A Proposal for using Maps as Hypertexts in Geo-Spatial Archives

Justin, J., & Menon, N. (2023). Spatial Hypertexts or Hypermaps: A Proposal for using Maps as Hypertexts in Geo-Spatial Archives. Journal of Map & Geography Libraries, 19(1–2), 55–71. Details

Mythos to Myth to Mythopoeia

Jacob, A. M., & Menon, N. (2023). Mythos to Myth to Mythopoeia: A CycLical Process. Mythlore, 42(1(143)), 147–164. Details

What We Teach When We Teach DH : Notes from the Field

What We Teach When We Teach DH : Notes from the Field Details

Digital Humanities and Publishing Studies Research Group Achievements

Mahtha, R. K. (2023, June). Review of Scientific experiment and aesthetic experience: a review of tabish khair’s the body by the shore (2022). Rupkatha Journal , 15(2).

Student's Corner

  • Dibya Prakash Pandab, has been awarded the prestigious PROF. VENNELAKANTI PRAKASAM Award-2024 for the best research paper on Systematic Functional Linguistics. Image

  • Jyothi J. won the IIT Indore Best Research Paper Award in SHSS 2024 for “Digital Cartography and Feminist Geocriticism: A Case Study of Marichjhapi Massacre”.

  • Sonal Pandey attended the Comics Conclave 2.0 on March 16-17, 2024, hosted by Art@IITGN and the Curiosity Lab of IIT Gandhinagar.

  • Vandana Govindani got an opportunity to work as a main researcher for the Sindhi Partition Gallery (Museum), the Lost Homeland of Sindh with CAMP.

  • Kaviarasu P. won the best paper title for his presentation on "A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends on Translation Studies in India" at the SHSS Research Symposium 2024.

  • Preetha Mukherjee presented the paper titled "Decolonizing the narrative of Minor Literature" at SHSS Research Symposium 2024 at IIT Indore on 30/05/2024.

  • Jyothi Justin presented paper "Digital Cartography and Feminist Geocriticism: A Case Study of Marichjhapi Massacre"at UNED-LINHD i Conference as part of CLS INFRA Fellowship.

  • Mr. Hariom Arora visited the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and presented his doctoral work at the International Schumpeter Society Conference (ISS) 2024.

  • Jitamitra Behera has been awarded the Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degree/Cotutelle 2024/25 research grant by the DAAD German Academic Exchange Service.

  • Mr. Manivendra Kumar, a Ph.D. student has been awarded the Charles Wallace India Scholarship. He will be working on ‘Changing Paradigms of Reform (1950 to 1990)

  • Ms Monika got selected for Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations organizing by Harvard University from 9-11 February 2024 with partially funded scholarship. Acceptance Letter

  • Ms Monika attended 21st Harvard India Conference theme "India's Rising" jointly organized by Harvard Business School & Kennedy School of Harvard University on 17-18 Feb 2024. Image

  • Vandana Govindani received the 'Sahitya Akademi Travel Grant', she visited various Sindhi writers and scholars across the state of Gujarat.

  • Preetha Mukherjee Presented the paper on "Migration, Ghosh and Climatic Derangement,” at the International Conference at IIT Patna on February 24, 2024 Image

  • Nihal Singh Khangar presented a paper at the 8th Asian Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD) in Sapporo, Japan from November 3 to 5, 2023.

  • Ms. Sadaf Khan received the Best Paper Presentation Award in the Research Scholars Category for presenting our paper on Impact of Medium of Instruction on Professional Trajectories

  • Bittu Mandal presented a paper on "Migration & Health" at the Population Association of Singapore 2023 Annual Meeting held at the National University of Singapore.

  • Mahima Singh presented a paper at the 27th European Conference for South Asian Studies, held at the University of Turin, Italy.

  • Tinto D. attended an International Summer School (fully-funded), organised by Greek Studies on Site in Athens, Greece from June 26 to July 25, 2022. Image

  • Jyothi Justin attended "Summer School for Literary Studies & Digital Humanities" by Leiden University and KU Leuven held from 20-23 June 2022 (online).

  • Kavitha K. presented a paper at the RC14 International conference entitled “Gender and Media: Representations, discourses and Practices”, in Melbourne, Australia, (Online).

  • Kavitha K. presented the paper titled, “First-generation Indian Digital Humanities Scholar and Minimal Computing” at the DHSI Conference, University of Victoria, Canada,(online).

  • Ms. Jyothi Justin received Computational Literary Studies (CLS) INFRA Transnational Access Fellowship (TNA) FELLOWSHIP funded by EU at UNED, Madrid, Spain for 9 weeks.

  • Mr. Manivendra Kumar, Ms. Meghna Gangadharan and Mr. Shyam Sunder Pal attended the webinar titled 'Mapping Digital Humanities' Read More

  • Mr. Shyam Sunder Pal attended Webinar 'Workshop on Performance Studies, an Online Lecture Series'; Organized by INTERSECTIONS, BHU on August 26th, 2020.

  • Ms. Kavitha K attended Webinar on "Linguistic Ecologies: Diversity Endangerment and Conversation" held on June 25, 2020: Read More

  • Mr. Ramesh Kumar Mahta attended the Webinar on "COVID-19: Perspectives on the Post-Truth Scenario" held on 25.06.2020

  • Ms. Muhsina K K was Participant in the workshop on 'Contemporary Indian Cinemas during 28-29 February 2020: Read More

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